$10 billion the value of the foreign investments in Turkey | Alhuda

10 billion dollars the value of the foreign investments in Turkey within three months

10 مليار دولار قيمة الاستثمارات الاجنبية في تركيا خلال 3 أشهر

The Minister of Finance and Treasury in Turkey Berat Albayrak has stated that the value of the foreign investments which entered the Turkish treasury was 10 billion dollars in the last May.

This came in the speech that he has delivered during a meeting with the managers of the economic news sector of the international Media agencies at the headquarters of the Ministry in #Ankara.

Bayrak has also added that: the Turkish economy will remarkably and rapidly grow and by the end of this year it will reach the wanted aim.

The Turkish minister has also pointed to the fact that detailed studies about the tax law are being made lately as the #Turkish_government is trying to form a competitive economic system in general, he also confirmed that the development of the tax law.

He also talked about the improvement of the investing environment and activities in order to make Turkey the first destination for foreign investors.

It is worth mentioning as well the fact that in the last few years Turkey has witnessed a remarkable economic development, which made it a suitable environment for investing that attracts everyone.

And as there are many types of investments in Turkey, real estate market has taken the lead in the list of foreign investment in Turkey. And the city of Istanbul had the biggest share where foreign investors headed to it to #buy_apartments_in_istanbul with its both European and Asian sides.