$23.7 billion is the total value of trade exchange bwn Turkey & Africa

23.7 billion dollars is the total value of the trade exchange between Turkey and Africa for 2018

23.7 مليار دولار حجم التبادل التجاري بين تركيا و إفريقيا في 2018

Turkey is willing to increase the trade exchange with the countries of Europe, Africa, Asia and the Arab world, it is also keen to strengthen the economic relationships with big countries to compete for the leading position on the list of the world strongest economies.

In the same matter the Turkish health minister Fahrettin Koca has stated that the trade volume between his country and Africa has reached 23.7 billion dollars for the year 2018.

This came during his participation at the conference of the trade and economic Turkish-Namibian joint committee, which was held at the capital Windhoek according to the statement of the #turkish_health_ministry.

Koca also added that #Turkey is reaping the benefits of the openness policy on the African countries and which it has been following since 2003 on the levels of economy and cultural.

He also added that the volume of the trade with the African countries has increased from 5.4 to 23.7 billion dollars in the last year.

He also clarified that his country is following a compressive policy toward Africa in order to provide humanitarian aids and help it achieve the economic development.

He also pointed to the presence of the Turkish diplomatic representation in 42 different African country, and trade consulting with 26 countries of them.

That's in addition to the flights’ organization to 37 different African countries by the Turkish Airlines.

On the other hand, the Turkish minister has ensured that #Ankara is ready to cooperate more with Windhoek in different economic sectors, especially in the fields of mining and fishing and transportation in addition to power and construction.