40 touristic cruise ship have anchored at the EGE port in the last 5 months | Al Huda Real Estate

40 touristic cruise ship have anchored at the EGE port in the last 5 months

40 سفينة سياحية رست في ميناء إيجه خلال 5 أشهر

The province of Aydin in Turkey has welcomed in the first 5 months of the year 2019, through the port of EGE 40 different big cruise ships.

These ships were carrying 30 thousand tourists almost and for this the EGE port is considered one of the most important ports in Turkey as it is the one that welcomes the biggest number of ships every year especially the Kusadasi town which is affiliated to Aydin province.

And the city of Marmaris at the province of Muğla, came in the second place after Kusadasi in the matter of the number of ships that anchored at its port.

In the same matter the general manager of the EGE port “Aziz Gongor” has stated that Turkey will welcome more than 180 thousand passenger that will be carried by 198 different cruise ship by the end of the tourism season this year.

What's worth mentioning as will the fact that the Tourism in Turkey in general is an important and continuously developing sector that puts Turkey on the world map today as one of the most important and most #beautiful_touristic_countries_in_the_world, as it attracts thousands and even millions of tourists from around the world every year.