Grant dual citizenship to Pakistanis at the top of the agenda of Erdogan's visit to Islamabad

Grant dual citizenship to Pakistanis at the top of the agenda of Erdogan's visit to Islamabad

منح الجنسية المزدوجة للباكستانيين على رأس أجندة زيارة أردوغان لإسلام أباد


Pakistanis are watching with great eagerness the visit of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, on Thursday, February 13, to Islamabad, where a historic agreement with Turkey is expected to allow Pakistanis to obtain dual citizenship, capping the long-standing ties that bring together the citizens of both countries.

The Pakistani government recently completed the study of a draft agreement to grant dual citizenship to citizens of Pakistan and Turkey, to be signed by the presidents of the two countries during the visit, to take effect.

The Turkish ambassador to Pakistan had earlier submitted to the Pakistani Interior Minister a proposal on behalf of the Turkish government to sign an agreement between the two countries that would allow citizens of both countries to benefit from dual citizenship.

Features that Pakistanis will only find in a Turkish passport:

Obtaining a Turkish passport and enjoying citizenship rights in only 30 days.

Turkish passport is ranked among the top 30 passports in the world.

The ability to visit 72 countries without the need for an entry visa.

Obtaining Turkish citizenship allows its holder easy access to 26 countries in the European Schengen area.

To get rid of mandatory procedures and renewing the residence permit every time.

Take advantage of the pension system as Turkish citizens.

Providing job opportunities in Turkish government jobs

The possibility of practicing professions prohibited to foreigners, such as medicine, nursing and customs

Take advantage of all free medical and therapeutic rights

Ease of owning all types of properties without any complications in the purchasing procedures.

Turkey provides many basic facilities, structures and installations that are difficult to find in other countries easily

The great economic development that Turkey witnesses daily as the largest trade bridge linking the European and Asian continents, makes the future of obtaining its citizenship safe from any financial fears or risks.

The security and stability that Turkey is experiencing is unlike many regions where turmoil and wars are growing

Enjoying the beauty and natural charm of Turkey, where more than 50 million tourists from the world flock annually and thousands choose to live and settle permanently.

Benefiting from Turkey's marine climate that is completely suitable for living due to its geographical location between the Mediterranean, the Black Sea, the Aegean Sea and the Sea of Marmara, which makes its weather soft warm in the winter and cool refreshing in the summer, which enabled it to be a preferred destination for many foreigners to buy properties  in order to enjoy Climate is almost rare in their countries of origin.

The most fertile environment for economic investment, especially real estate, is where it is possible to ensure that the capital is doubled in a few years.

The best societal environment is far from xenophobia and hostility to foreigners and is well suited to Pakistanis because of its Muslim majority.

Other aspects are expected in Erdogan's visit to Islamabad

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's visit to Pakistan will also witness discussions on many common issues and files between the two countries, foremost of which is economic and strategic cooperation between the two countries.

Erdogan will be accompanied on his two-day visit to Islamabad more than 70 Turkish businessmen and a representative of commercial enterprises in order to sign several agreements and discuss ways of developing bilateral cooperation in many areas, most notably the trade exchange between Ankara and Islamabad.

The high-level strategic cooperation council between Turkey and Pakistan, which includes 6 working groups, is considered one of the most important mechanisms for discussing the various dimensions of the relationship between the two countries' councils of ministers.

The Pakistani authorities are striving to include Ankara in the joint economic corridor project between CEPC between Pakistan and China by enhancing the presence of Turkish businessmen and investors in the free zone.

On February 14, President Erdogan, who has visited Pakistan 9 times since assuming the post of Prime Minister and President of the country, will deliver his fourth speech to the Pakistani Parliament, after he addressed the Pakistani people from its legislative dome during the years 2009, 2012 and 2016.