Buying a property in turkey, QA | Al Huda Real Estate

Buying a property in turkey, QA

مالذي تعرفه عن كابادوكيا التركية

The market of real estate in turkey increasingly attracting more foreign investors, especially in the last few years, while foreign investor holds a big share from this market.

When your area willing to take a purchase discussion for #property_in_istanbul, a lot of question could be raised. Here is couple detailed Q&A about most important question been asked by our clients.

is foreigner eligible to buy more than one property in turkey?

Turkish government made various changes in the laws, regarding to the foreigner belongs and ability to own properties, and unblocking some other counties were not eligible to buy in turkey. Which makes the process facilitated the way gives investors to chance even for multi properties purchase.

Is the property owner able to gain residency in turkey?

Yes, the ownership of a property able to gain two years residency according to the same changes in the resolution of #buying_property_in_turkey.

What are the taxes of buying the property?

The value of the taxes or the transfer of the property to another ownership is 4% from the value of the property, which will be paid for one time, mostly will be distributed as 50% each between previous owner and the new one.

Is the property able to be re-sell?

Property owner can resell the property in anytime he wants. While we do advise our clients willing to resell the property to coordinate with one of the companies and trusted real estate offices, another service that we are able to provide to our clients in Alhuda for investment and real estate development.

Is the foreigner able to buy a property in any city in turkey?

Yes, foreigner eligible to buy in all Turkish cities, we do advise our clients to #buy_property_in_Istanbul for their first property, since it’s the economic & touristic capital in #Turkey, where all the fundamental of investment is highly available.

Are the foreign investors able to have insurance of their property in Turkish insurance companies?

Yes, as property owner he can get the benefits of local Turkish insurance companies. Also, some of those insurance company are international.

How owner can owner subscribe for services like (gas, electric, water)?

When you #buy_property_in_turkey there is an insurance amount will be taken for one time, to deliver those service from those Institutions, which is a very simple process, in our company we can facilitate all legal and daily live services needed to our client.

Who is administrating the complex buildings and what is the monthly rate fees should be paid?

Each complex has an administrative committee specialized about the administrational issues. Their goal is to provide all the services for the residents, keeping the complex secured, clean, and working about the monthly routine repairs for the compound and the facilities inside it.

About the monthly paid rates, usually its small fees will be taken in return to provide those services, which will be determined regarding to the space of each flat.

To be mentioned, if the flat been rented so those fees is the responsibility of the one rent it.