Hot springs in Turkey for tourism and recreation

Hot springs in Turkey for tourism and recreation

ينابيع المياه المعدنية الحارة في تركيا سياحة و استجمام

 Turkey is a country of tourism, recreation and tourist destinations from all over the world, Turkish cities are famous for their archaeological and historical monuments, its charming nature and a favourable climate for tourism throughout the year, in addition to its rich with hot mineral springs that visitors come to treat diseases and recreation.

Where the visitor enjoys the beauty of the Turkish nature and benefits from hot mineral springs, either for treatment or for relaxation

Mineral water has been known since ancient times for its therapeutic benefits for those suffering from health problems such as rheumatism, arthritis, and treatment of burns, in addition to skin diseases such as eczema, psoriasis, and others, it helps to treat from respiratory diseases. It also cleanses the body.

Turkey considers the first in Europe in the number of mineral springs in it, as it contains about 1500 springs distributed in Turkish cities and the most famous of these springs:

Termal Springs at Yalova

Hot mineral water springs in the village of Termal in the city of Yalova are distinguished by its hot water, it flows from the ground and exits with hot air bubbles and its temperature reaches more than 60 degrees Celsius.

The most famous Termal mineral bath: The Sultan’s mother’s bath which dates back to the fourth century and it was named Sultan’s mother’s bath after the Ottoman Sultan Abdul Majeed II restored it for the sake of his mother who used it to recover from diseases,

Hammam of Sultan, one of the oldest and best baths in Termal

The lead bath is one of the famous baths, ıt was called by this name in relation to its dome made of lead. 

sandIklI springs 

Hot mineral water springs in sandIklIin Afyon, it is considered a distinctive tourist destination as it is famous for its water that helps to heal from many diseases such as rheumatism, kidney stones, gynaecological and respiratory diseases.

It also restores the youthfulness of the body due to its high sulphur which in it, which is useful in treating acne and increases the beauty and freshness of the skin. 

Also, the city of sandIklI is distinguished by its mud baths.

Tuzla Springs

Hot mineral springs in Tuzla, on the Asian side of Istanbul on the Sea of Marmara, the water temperature of Tuzla springs reaches 50 degrees Celsius, it is famous for its healing and medical advantages.

Where it has the ability to heal joint pain, osteoporosis and stroke in addition to many skin diseases, and it gives the body energy and vitality because it contains useful elements for the body such as calcium, magnesium and bicarbonate.

Oylat Springs 

Hot mineral water springs in the Oylat Valley in the Turkish city of Bursa in the Sea of Marmara region, where these springs are located among the picturesque nature forests that are adorned with oak and pine trees and characterized by its fresh air and it has hot and cold water.

The water of the Oylat springs is famous for its ability to cure diseases which the medicine was unable  to find a medication for It so , they  said it helps to heal those who have lost hope in life ,  The reason for this argument is due to an ancient story in the Byzantine era, when the daughter of one of the emperors fell ill and the doctors were unable to find a solution to her treatment. but the water of the Oylat springs was the reason for its treatment.

Pamukalı Springs

Hot mineral water springs in Pamukalı in Denizli city in Turkey, Pamukalı springs a group of hot natural baths containing a high level of calcium.

And the word Pamukalı means cotton in the Turkish language, the springs appear in the form of white terraces where white limestone terraces formed from the carbonate of minerals carried by the waters flowing over millions of years


Pamukalı spring water is famous for its ability to cure many diseases such as heart disease, rheumatism and other diseases.