Motivations for foreign investors to invest in Turkey | Al Huda

Important motivations for foreign investors to invest in Turkey

أهم دوافع العرب للاستثمار في تركيا

Turkey is considered a connivance environment for investment in general, and from the beginning of the current decade foreign investors have chosen Turkey as the favorite destination for their investments especially #real_estate_investmet as they head to #buy_apartments_in_istanbul in particular as it is the most convenient place for #real_estate_investment_in_turkey.

What makes Turkey the best destination for foreign investors?

There are a lot of reasons that make Turkey the most chosen destination for investment for foreign investors, such as the political and security stabilization in the country, the economic growth and development in addition to the government efforts to provide more facilities in the matter of #investment_in_turkey for foreign investors, like the last obliged law which gives those who buy a #property_in_turkey which worth's 250 thousand dollars the right to get the #turkish_citizenship.

The cultural convergence between Turkey and a lot of the surrounding countries like Arab countries encourages the investors from these places to invest in Turkey, and what worth mentioning in the same matter the fact that a lot of foreign families have chosen to live in #Turkey instead of #Europe or #USA for this reason they also preferred to invest in it and #buy_apartments_in_istanbul or even #under_construction_apartments_in_istanbul as the profits that comes from selling these type of properties exceed 25%.

Some investors favorize to invest in the projects that have #hotel_apartments_in_istanbul with a guarantee to be able to rent it for several years.

In addition to all the mentioned reasons we should also talk about the fact that #Turkey is a developed country which attracts investors from across the world who are looking for an always evolving environment to invest in and have a guaranteed success especially for real estate investments as Turkey has a developed infrastructure and many big projects that increase the properties’ values in it.

Alhuda company for real estate investment and development offers the best projects for investing that meets your needs, so if you are willing to #buy_apartments_in_istanbul to live in it or to invest it just contact us and we’ll help you get your successful investment in Turkey.