Istanbul: the most generous city in the world | Al Huda Real Estate

Istanbul...the most generous city in the world

اسطنبول… المدينة الأكثر كرما في أوربا

Basel the Swiss institute for Public and Economic affairs has listed #Istanbul city as the most generous city in the world.

This announcement came at the report that was published by the Swiss institute which came with the headline “monitoring of public social capital 2019”

The institute has also added that a voting by a group of volunteers was held to choose the most generous city in the world.

The voting included many sides which are the social atmosphere, the trust between people, Austerity policies, taxes payment, investment in the local economy, the friendships and social relationships and the will to help others.

The Basel institutes has cleared as well that #Istanbul has got 8.6 points of 10, where Paris came next with 8 points, then Moscow with 7.5 and Berlin came last with 5.3 points only.

And according to another vote Turkey has come first with 6.6 points in the list of the countries that’s people are able to provide co-financing and pay taxes, where Germany, France and Italy came after in the same vote.