Life in Turkey - The Expat's Guide 2021

Life in Turkey - The Expat's Guide 2021

الحياة في تركيا  2020.. كم تكلّف وما هي مزاياها ؟

Many foreigners want to live in Turkey, but they do not know the best way to do so, as well as information about living in Turkey, whether in terms of costs, requirements, advantages and even disadvantages, which we will detail through the article that you are about to read.

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The economic development and the development of the social system in Turkey during the last twenty years have contributed to turning it into a haven for foreigners who want to live in Turkey. This country has all the elements of a comfortable modern life.

Those who choose to live in Turkey will find the same living conditions in developed European and American countries, whether in transportation, infrastructure, job opportunities, and other elements of a comfortable life.

Turkey is an exception, without other Western countries, for those who choose to live in it, on a flexible and smooth lifestyle that suits all nationalities and cultures of all foreigners, especially the Arabs, due to the cultural and religious closeness.

It allows Muslims and others to practice their religious rituals with ease and safety away from the pressures they are exposed to. In the rest of the countries of immigration.

And because all those who aspire to a life in Turkey ask primarily about the extent of the country and its people respecting their culture, customs and ideas, the answer was through former immigrants about the extent to which Turkey respects the rules of its neighbouring countries and its people's great belief in the plurality of ideas and freedom of belief.

These conditions contributed to creating great reassurance for the investor wishing to live in Turkey, whether by renting a property or buying a property in Istanbul or in obtaining Turkish citizenship.

In addition to the desired psychological aspect, Turkey provides the resident on its territory with all the booming financial and economic conditions. Many of those who chose to live in Turkey found a fertile environment for their profitable investments and projects.



Many want to start life in Turkey, but, like what we mentioned in the introduction to this article, they are ignorant of the way to that, or let's say the first step they must take for a comfortable life according to their goals and also the image they painted about "living in Turkey."

In general, living in Turkey begins with the first routine, inevitable step, which is moving, whether with or without a travel visa, if the foreigner's country of origin is automatically exempt from the visa.

And immediately after the foreigner is presented to one of his country's embassies and obtaining a visa, he travels to Turkey to start life, where he finds many options for obtaining residency in Turkey, the most famous and surest of which is real estate residence in Turkey, i.e. residence with just a property in Turkey.

One of the advantages of residing in Turkey is that it allows a foreigner to practice his life naturally in Turkey, according to what is stipulated by the laws of the Turkish Republic.


Cost of life in Turkey

By making a simple comparison between living in Turkey and the rest of the major capitals in the world, we find a remarkable convergence in terms of luxury.

Turkey may be distinguished from the rest of the capitals of developed countries with its spirit and charm that mixes between originality and modernity, which made it a unique place to live.

The cost of living in Turkey is entirely different from the high prices the significant capitals are experiencing. It is considered very low compared to the rest of the Western and American countries that foreigners accept for immigration and stability.

Anyone can live in Turkey with a simple salary due to the low prices. In addition to the low prices of transportation, restaurants, drinks, and other daily necessities for a small family.

The minimum wage for life in Turkey ranges between 2,800 and 3,500 Turkish liras, which is the salary that is sufficient to live a decent life for a family of limited individuals, even in large cities such as Istanbul, Antalya, Bursa, Trabzon, and Izmir.


Advantages of Life in Turkey

Living in Turkey is a beautiful coincidence for those who are not planning it, and a correct choice when they have set a goal for them, for several reasons, including:

  • The simplicity of the Turkish people, public order, and living conditions in Turkey.
  • The absence of class differences in Turkish society.
  • Infrastructure development in Turkey.
  • The development of educational institutions and the quality of universities with advanced international standards.
  • Ease of registration in all university majors and various educational institutions.
  • The development of hospitals and treatment institutions in Turkey with the decrease in prices.
  • Ease of extracting administrative and official documents away from complications.
  • The enchanting beauty of nature in Turkey and its mild climate have turned it into a tourist country par excellence.
  • The development of buildings, facilities, and urbanism in Turkey.
  • The development of industry and entrepreneurship in Turkey.
  • The presence of great job opportunities for foreigners in Turkey "translation, real estate, tourism, treatment, trade, study, and others ...".


Disadvantages of Life in Turkey

Saying that life in Turkey is harmful is prejudice to one of the best countries in the world.

However, as in the rest of the world, there are disadvantages in the presence of advantages. Living in Turkey has minor drawbacks that any foreigner can easily overcome.

Language Barrier: Turks prefer to deal with their local language. The Turkish language contains many vocabularies in the Arabic, English, and French languages. Most foreigners learn it in a short time.

Finding New Social Circles: One disadvantage to relocating to Turkey is the loss of friends and relatives. This entails establishing new social circles. This is achieved easily in tourist bars because many expats congregate there. Look for local charities or hobby clubs that include expats.