Medical tourism in Turkey | Al Huda Real Estate

Medical tourism in Turkey

تعرف على قانون تقييم العقارات في تركيا

When it comes to the #medical_tourism Turkey is the third best country in this field and is planning to take the lead position from the USA in the future.

As the Turkish government was always keen to develop the medical services especially those are related to the #medical_tourism field and in order to do that the government has obliged a coordination council that contains a number of Ministeries in order to organize everything about the #medical_tourism and to give permissions to the medical centers and hospitals that gives these sort of medical services and legalize their work.

What does medical tourism mean?

Medical tourism is a binary target process, where the tourist gets the chance to visit all the #touristic_places_in_Turkey and get the medical treatment he needs at the same time.

What’s also noticeable is how the medical tourism became kind of related to #real_estate_investment_in_Turkey where investors who are willing to #buy_apartments_in_Istanbul try to get a medical service in turkey at the same time.

There are a lot of factors that enabled Turkey to compete other countries in the field of #medical_tourism such as:

The Turkish government's continuous control on the hospitals and medical centers, as it has put a strict order that requires all the governmental and private medical institutions to applicate all the medical and technical quality standards that are approved by the #international_health_council

Turkey has also worked to develop all the medical supplies and to get all the newest and the most up to date medical devices.

The fact that the medical service in Turkey has a moderate to low cost if compared to other countries, and that’s for a high-quality services and treatment.

In addition to that Turkey has a lot of medical competences and that one of the important factors that puts it on the lead position when it comes to medical services and tourism in the world.

For so many years of treatment and medical services in different fields such as

#hair_transplant and cosmetic surgeries, organ transplantation operations and many other hard and complicated surgeries Turkish doctors have gained a lot of experience which made #medical_tourism_in_Turkey better and more efficient.

The services provided by the medical centers in Turkey:

#Turkish_medical_tourism centers provide a lot of free services such as the medical consultation that includes providing the patient with the available offers and costs.

They also customize a personal guide and translator to accompany the patient throughout the whole treatment’s period, from the airport and until his medical trip ends.

All these free services are only available at the medical centers in Turkey and not in any other country.

You can only find the most #beautiful_touristic_places_in_Turkey, where your treatment trip will become the most relaxing and fascinating journey you could’ve ever had.

Because in Turkey all kind of beauty meet and merge, and where the most #important_monuments_in_the_world lays.

In addition to that Turkey is an attracting point to business men and investors who are looking for #for_sale_apartments_in_Istanbul and are interested in the market of #real_estate_in_Turkey.

All that mean that you can come to Turkey to get a treatment, invest and have a vacation all at the same time.