Foreigners wishing to have medical tourism in Turkey | Al Huda

Good news for foreigners wishing to have medical tourism in Turkey this summer

تفاصيل السياحة العلاجية في تركيا

After a period of convalescence known to the travel and aviation sector in the world due to the distress of Corona, here is Turkey, which has proven its effectiveness in dealing with and controlling the emerging virus, despite the high numbers of infections, it has opened the door for foreign patients interested in medical tourism in its various specialties.

The announcement by the Turkish authorities of the news that many foreigners who had planned to visit Turkey during the year 2020 with the aim of medical or surgical medication came in the words of the Turkish Ministry of Health, which's said that Turkey would begin receiving foreign patients from 32 countries, but according to the terms of preserving their security and the security of those who deal with them, as well as  according to certain rules of isolation, the procedures for easing the preventive measures and restrictions imposed due to Corona and at the same time seeking to reopen the economy are partly consistent, especially as medical tourism was among the most required sectors by foreigners due to the leadership that Turkey has shown in the field.


What are the conditions for coming to Turkey for medical tourism in the time of Corona?

The Turkish Ministry of Health has set conditions for the entry of foreign patients wishing to start tourist treatment in Turkey and has also calculated specific rules for medication, which are detailed in the following: 

  • The need to take samples from foreign patients as soon as they enter Turkey via airports or border gates for the purpose of a medical examination to detect the presence of the Corona virus or not, and for the process a fee has been set for the patient to pay.
  • In the event that the patient does not want to conduct a medical examination, the Turkish Ministry of Health has made it possible for foreigners to bring a certificate proving that they are being tested in the countries from which they came to prove that they are free of the virus before entering Turkish territory, provided that the examination period does not exceed 48 hours.
  • Allow patients wishing to travel for the aim of medical tourism to enter Turkey once it is confirmed that they do not carry the Coronavirus.
  • Transfer patients via private cars and accompany them directly to the hospital where they were detained in order to receive treatment.
  • Not allowing foreign patients to live in any place other than the hospital where they were treated.
  • Granting foreign patients arriving for treatment in Turkey a floor of every hospital that attends their attendance.
  • Allocating hospital corridors to patients from abroad.
  • Ensuring the complete care and comfort of patients coming for the purpose of treatment throughout their stay in Turkey.
  • Ensure the full escort of foreign patients and meet all their needs until the time they leave Turkish soil.


List of countries included with the resumption of medical tourism in Turkey

The Turkish Ministry of Tourism has revealed a list of 32 countries whose citizens can come to Turkey for the sake of medical treatment, as follows: 

Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, Algeria, Libya, Djibouti, Somalia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Russia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Romania, Serbia, Bulgaria, Moldova,  Germany, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Pakistan, Kyrgyzstan and the Turkish Republic of Cyprus.


List of medical specializations permitted for treatment

The Turkish Ministry of Health has also calculated the list of medical specialties in which foreign patients are allowed to receive medication, namely:

  • Orthopedics and fractures
  • General Surgery
  • Pediatric surgery
  • eyes illnesses
  • Heart diseases
  • Cardiovascular surgery
  • Urology
  • Surgical tumors
  • Gynecological oncology surgery
  • Medical and radiological tumors
  • Neurosurgery
  • Blood diseases
  • Intensive care
  • Assisted childbearing
  • organ transplant
  • Bone marrow transplant

The Turkish Ministry of Health confirmed that foreign patients who intend to come to Turkey for treatment will be registered in the patients' scheme of the International Health Services Company.

With this procedure, which many people have described as brave, Turkey maintains the confidence of millions of patients who come to it every year for treatment due to the effectiveness and excellence of its medical staff in various plastic surgery centers and hospitals with all its medical specialties.

Pending the opening of the borders and the return of flights soon, as indicated by several indicators recently, patients of the aforementioned countries will be on a date with the resumption of their treatment plans in Turkey.