President Erdogan opens new highway between Istanbul & Izmir | Al Huda

President Erdogan opens the new highway between Istanbul and Izmir

الرئيس أردوغان يفتتح الطريق السريع بين اسطنبول و إزمير

The Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan has opened the new highway between the provinces of Istanbul and Izmir in the fourth of this August.

The ceremony of this opening was held in #Bursa at the north west of the country.

This highway extends on a distance of 426 km and its main purpose is to shorten the distance between #Istanbul and Izmir, from 515 to 426 km, which reduces the duration of the journey between the two provinces from 8.5 hours to 3.5 hours.

The project was completed on two levels, where the first level was put into service before which was a 234 km distance, and the bridge of Orhan Gazi which was opened in 2016 is the main part of the project as it reduces almost 78 km from the distance between Istanbul and Izmir.

The project’s budget was over 7 billion dollars and more than 8 thousand laborers worked on it throughout the construction period.