The rates of property purchasing processes done by foreign in Turkey

The rates of property purchasing processes done by foreign in Turkey have increased by 69% in 2019

ارتفاع نسبة بيع العقارات للأجانب 69% خلال النصف الأول من 2019

During the first half of this year the purchasing of #properties_in_turkey has increased by 69% compared to the last year.

And according to some statements that was released by the Turkish Statistics Authority, the number of #properties_in_turkey that were purchased by foreign has quadrupled.

The same statements have also added that the total number of houses that were sold in Turkey in general during the first half of 2019 has reached 505 thousand.

And the city of #Istanbul was in the lead position as it had the most of these purchasing processes, where foreign have bought 8 thousand and 903 #apartments_in_istanbul, the city of #Antalya came next with 4 thousand and 93 property, after that came #Ankara with one thousand and 111 property.

And according to statistics, Iraqis came on top of the list of most property buyers in Turkey and then Iranians, Russians, and Saudis.