Turkish Real Estate Market Breaks Another Record | Al Huda Real Estate

The Turkish real estate market breaks another record at the first half of 2019

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The purchasing processes of properties in Turkey which was done by foreign have made a new record at the first half of this year with 68.9% increase if compared to the purchasing processes at the same time of the last year.

And according to the Turkish statistical institute’s reports the number of the properties which was purchased by foreign has reached 19 thousand and 952 at the first half of 2019.

This increase is considered the highest of its kind in Turkey throughout the period between January and June.

Where the number of these kind of purchasing processes in Turkey throughout the first half of the last year was only 11 thousand and 816.

And in June only of 2019 the purchasing processes have reached 2689 property which is the highest number for this month.

The official reports states as well that #Istanbul has kept its place in the lead position between the other Turkish cities in the number of the purchased properties at the same period.

Antalya came next and #Ankara, Yalova and Borsa came after and #Trabzon came last.

And the most nationality from which the biggest number of purchasing processes were done was the Iraqi where Iraqis only have bought 3337 property throughout the first half of this year.