Why do Russians prefer tourism in Antalya?

السياحة في أنطاليا

Antalya, the capital of tourism in Turkey, that charming city with dazzling views of the Mediterranean, has returned to open its doors to receive crowds of tourists after controlling the pandemic of Corona and resuming international flight in Turkey.


Antalya is the preferred tourist destination for Russians who visit it in large numbers every summer, and they represent more than 35% of its foreign tourists annually.


Tourism in Turkey, Antalya


Antalya is unique from the rest of the Turkish coastal cities with its wonderful beaches, historical monuments, and civilizational landmarks.


Antalya provides its visitors with more than just tourism, as it allows its fans to enjoy historical and cultural tours, qualifying it to be one of the most beautiful tourist places in Turkey and a destination for millions of tourists who enjoy its museums, monuments and ancient cities that narrate the events of the civilizations that passed by.


In addition to its archaeological site, Antalya is considered the most important destination for Turkish and foreign tourists thanks to its wide beaches, golden sands, and clear blue waters.


Turkey began to receive Russian tourists who love tourism in Antalya, immediately after the resumption of flights between the two countries, which were pending in observance of the measures against the Corona pandemic, which returned after the abolition of the lockdown and the resumption of daily activities again.


In this regard, the Turkish Minister of Transport and Infrastructure Adel Ismailoglu said that Ankara and Moscow decided to resume flights after an agreement that falls within the return of life in Turkey to normal after the decrease in the number of cases of Coronavirus in Turkey.


It is worth noting that during the last 3 years, Antalya welcomed the Russians by more than 35% of the total number of foreign tourists coming to enjoy its charming beaches.


And estimated the number of Russian tourists who visited Antalya's tourist, natural and historical landmarks last year, nearly 6 million tourists, including some of them who preferred to stay permanently by buying a property in Turkey.


It was evident that the Russians yearned to spend the summer vacation in Antalya through the volume of demand for tourist agencies to inquire about ticket prices and hotel reservations, as well as tourist apartments in Antalya after the return of the flight.


Why is Antalya Russians’ favorite destination in Turkey?


All tourism experts in Turkey confirm that for decades, Antalya remained the favorite and privileged destination for Russian, even though this year was exceptional due to the unexpected appearance of the Corona pandemic in the world and its negative impact on all sectors.

Despite this, Turkey managed to overcome the crisis with the least possible losses and recorded a decrease in the number of injuries, which enabled it to resume flights with many countries, including Russia.

Little by little the Russians began arriving at their usual resort, Antalya, the best place to spend a vacation in Turkey.

What did the Russian tourists say about Antalya?

Tourist Adrian Orlov: "In my family, there are a lot of people who are eager to visit the city of Antalya again, they waited for two months until they resumed flights toward Turkey, which was a pleasant surprise for them, as they rushed to travel agencies, booked their tickets, and they will come to my visit in Antalya that I decided to stay in after buying a property, and I am sure we will have a great time in the beaches of Antalya. "

Tourist Olga Igor: "I did not expect that the people of Antalya when I first visited, are so hospitable, even though we do not speak the same language, but I did not feel this barrier between us for one moment, I booked my ticket to the charming Antalya and waited for the landing date in the capital of tourism in Turkey with great passion "