Turkey ... among the top ten on this date | Al Huda Real Estate

Turkey ... among the top ten on this date

Turkey ... among the top ten on this date

Turkey is moving steadily towards occupying its place within the club of the ten largest before 2023.

With this statement, many press reports unanimously agreed that Turkey will benefit from the post-Corona pandemic and will enter the Top Ten Club ahead of schedule, exceeding all expectations and proving that the Turkish economy is stronger than temporary storms or even deep crises.

International press reports indicated that Turkey has managed to overcome the depth of the economic crisis caused by the paralysis caused by the Covid-19 virus at all levels, including the dual power of Turkey and the two verticals of its economy, "exports and tourism".

According to the same press reports, Turkey is steadfastly moving towards emerging from the limited contraction it knew due to the partial closure, which affected it slightly, but in return it enabled the country to be protected from the shock of the supply, which was not spared even by major economies such as Europe and America, which experienced an acute shortage in inventory and basic materials.


How did Turkey manage to counter the effects of corona economically?

The international press reports attributed the reason behind Turkey's economy not being severely affected by the effects of the Corona crisis to the diversification of the country's productive economy, especially agricultural production, as this played an important role in not affecting Turkey, which relied from the beginning on the herd's immunity by balancing precautionary measures and maintaining the minimum level of services to keep the country's economy from total collapse in the absence of a final vaccine for the emerging virus.

Among what is calculated for Turkey, but not other countries in the world, according to press reports, it has taken measures in favor of its citizens and residents on its territory, unlike other neighboring systems that have multiplied the suffering of their people and abandoned their direct support, but left them face to face in front of greed and the eagerness of the traders who took advantage of the crisis to increase prices in a record way .

The fact that Turkey gives priority to its citizens at the expense of the economy, treasury and fluctuation in the exchange rate of the lira shows that it reduced the interest rate in banks by 200 basis points to 8.75%, which caused the currency exchange to drop to 7 pounds against one dollar.

What increases the strength of the measures taken by Turkey is that at the height of the crisis caused by the Coronavirus, it has allocated 200 billion pounds in a tight plan to confront the emerging virus, benefiting about 4,4 million families in addition to financial support for about 120 thousand medium and small enterprises to avoid its fall in Bankruptcy dilemma.

Turkey managed, according to press reports, at the height of the Coronavirus outbreak, to ensure the continuity of economic production and to maintain the purchasing power of citizens at the same time.

Turkey is focusing at the present time, that is, at a time when there is a trend of Covid 19 casualties, on a new economic plan that supports 40 thousand small companies by providing about 6 billion pounds of loans at low interest rates and without principal or interest payments this year.

The loan campaign provided by the Turkish government adds to an advance package of loans and flexible payment options for companies affected by the decline in the activities of some strategic sectors.

Turkey developed a controlled plan until the beginning of the year 2021, during which it guarantees the continuation of production in various companies until the discovery and distribution of a vaccine. In this regard, Fitch International predicted that the Turkish economy will achieve a growth rate of 4.5% next year.

Many economic reports indicate that Turkey will overcome paralysis and be able to compensate during the second half of this year thanks to the increase in exports and benefit from oil licenses as well as the resumption of diplomatic relations with many major countries due to the assistance provided by Turkey to more than 60 countries in the world, including the United States of America.

Media reports say that all these indications have the benefit on Turkey during the post-Corona period and pave the way for a quick and direct passage without any obstacles to the Top Ten Club before 2023.