Turkish residence and its types

Turkish residence and its types

الاقامة التركية وانواعها

Turkey is on the list of countries that people want to visit it , there are different reasons that make these people to visit  Turkey , Some of them want tourism, as Turkey is the first destination for tourism in the world , Among them are those who wish to invest, as Turkey is witnessing a great turnout by investors from all over the world due to the decisions issued by the state regarding the investors and the facilities which provided it  .

Therefore, if you want to reside in Turkey, you must obtain a residence permit that grants you residence for a certain period. The types of residency in Turkey is differ according to the situation of each person.

Types of Turkish residences 

Tourist Residence: Tourist residence is a short-term residence with a maximum duration of one year , It can be renewed ,  by it you can move around in Turkish cities , in addition to entering and exiting to and from Turkey without problems , It is useful

for you if you are a frequent visitor to Turkey, where you can come to Turkey without the need to renew a visa. 

The documents required for obtaining tourist residency:

Make an appointment for the interview through the website

A passport valid for at least one year, a copy of it, and a visa and entry stamp into Turkey

(4) Personal photos with white background

Health insurance (children under 18 and older people over 65 do not need health insurance)

The tax number, and you can obtain it from the Tax Department

Tenancy contract certified by the notary

These documents are necessary and mandatory for those who wish to obtain tourist residency in Turkey.

Work residence: work residence or investor residence granted by the Ministry of Work and Social Security, work residence can be obtained of it , if you are a partner in a commercial company in Turkey or work for a company, and you must also have a tourist residence or have a temporary protection card Starting with 99.

The company is also required to employ 5 Turkish people for every foreign employee.

work residency has many advantages, the most important of which is that you can apply for Turkish citizenship after 5 years of obtaining work residency. 

 It takes about a month to obtain a work permit.

Real estate residence: real estate residence, which is residence for investors in the real estate field or who own real estate in Turkey, whose numbers have increased significantly in recent years, and it includes all members of the family for a year and

can be renewed.

The papers required for obtaining a real estate residence

From the owner of the property and all members of his family

A signed residence request form

Passport or travel document in addition to a copy of the passport (pages that contain the information of the applicant and the passport number, the date of issuance of the passport and its expiry date, stamp of entry to Turkish lands and visa)

Tax number (obtainable from the Tax Service) 

Personal photos (4)

Health insurance covering the period of stay

As for the papers required by the property owner only

Original title deed document with a copy of it certified by a notary public.

An earthquake insurance policy (DASK) can be obtained from insurance companies

The efficacy of the title deed can be obtained from the title deed department.

Family residence: Family residence can be obtained in the event of marriage to a Turkish wife /A Turkish husband, whose duration between one and three years, family residence is granted to the owner of it  the right to apply for Turkish citizenship

after3 years from the period of obtaining it.

Student residence: Student residence is obtained by foreign students who want to study in Turkish universities, the student does not    have the right to grant any members of his family any residence.   

The same conditions that apply to tourist residency apply to the student's residence, in addition to the student obtaining the final acceptance letter or a card for a student who extracts it after entering Turkey from the university which he wants to study in it

Humanitarian residence: Humanitarian residence (temporary protection) is granted to refugees who are on the land of the Turkish state and whose country suffers from a state of war