Turkish Torrent ... Turkey’s new project to support the country's economy:

Turkish Torrent ... Turkey’s new project to support the country's economy:

السيل التركي... مشروع تركيا الجديد لدعم اقتصاد البلاد:

In light of the huge number of development projects that the Turkish government is working on to advance the country's economy on one hand and reach a full state of self-reliance in all fields on the other hand

That is in addition to Turkey's plan 2023, which the current government has been working on for several years, and which content requires that the country reach at this date to the top of the world's economies and Turkey becomes one of the great countries

That is why we recently witnessed the unveiling of the first local Turkish company, which made the first Turkish electric car with efforts and entirely local technologies, which is the TOGG that was announced earlier this year.

Among the huge development projects that have been working on for several years and have come to light with the beginning of 2020 also which is the project of Turkey's torrent gas pipeline, what is it? What is the purpose of such a project?

Turkey Torrent Gas Project:

Turkey witnessed during the week of January 8, 2020, the opening ceremony of the Turkish pipeline, which will transport Russian gas to Europe via Turkey.

These ceremonies were held at the Bay Conference Center in Istanbul, Turkey, with the participation of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his Russian counterpart.

The Turkish Torrent project is to lay two pipes to transport 15.75 billion cubic meters of gas annually from Russia to Turkey and Europe, passing through the Black Sea.


The first pipeline of the project will feed Turkey, and the second eastern and southern European countries.

The Turkish torrent consists of two pipelines with the length of the first 930 km and crossing the bottom of the Black Sea, which is dedicated to transporting gas to Turkey, while the second, which has a length of 180 km, penetrates the Turkish lands to its western borders and is dedicated to transporting gas to the European neighborhood.


The total capacity of the "Turkish Torrent" is 31.5 billion cubic meters annually, and it will cover the entire gas and eastern needs of Europe.

And the gains that the Turkish government expects to achieve from this huge project are:

Securing steady and regular supplies of gas at preferential prices to Turkey, and achieving economic gains represented in developing the country's income through the revenues derived from crossing the pipelines on the national lands.

It is also expected that the country will gain greater value and negotiating capacity in front of its neighbors, the supplier country, and the rest of the countries consuming gas passing through its lands.

Turkey will also benefit from the implementation of the project, which is the transnational gas pipeline that saw light in 2019, which will transport gas from Azerbaijan to Europe via Georgia and Turkey.

But what is the Turkish Torrent and when did the idea of its establishment come up?

The Turkish Torrent is the gateway to a giant joint development and economic project between Moscow and Ankara, based on the transportation of Russian natural gas to Turkey and the countries of southern and eastern Europe through tanker pipelines that pass from the Black Sea and across Turkish territory.

Work on it started in May 2017, and the project was completed in November 2018.

This Turkish Torrent Project came as a substitute for another previous that was not written to take place, which is the "South Line" due to pressure from the European Union on the countries that would have participated in the project, the most important of which was Bulgaria, which led to the suspension of work in it before starting any construction and extension operations.


Turkish Torrent Project details:

The shares of gas in this project will be distributed among the participating countries as follows:

Turkey will get 15.75 billion cubic meters of gas

While other countries that import gas from South and East Europe will get 15.25 billion cubic meters

The length of the pipeline is about 1160 km and is distributed as follows:

- 930 km below the bottom of the Black Sea.

- 180 km on the Turkish mainland.

- 50 km on the Russian mainland.

The value of the investment in this Turkey project is 11.4 billion euros, equivalent to 12.9 billion dollars.

It is expected that this project will provide 53% of Turkey's natural gas needs and will benefit from it by withdrawing its share of gas pipelines passing through its lands directly.


The export quota to Europe will be accumulated in giant warehouses established on the Turkish border with Bulgaria.