5 reasons to invest in Turkey

The five most important reasons that encourage you to invest in Turkey

أهم خمسة أسباب تشجعك على الاستثمار في تركيا

Turkey is considered a magnet for the Arab and foreign investor, as it has many investment opportunities. A class of investors is concerned with working in the trade sector of various kinds, others are heading towards the industrial sector, and the majority of Arab investors are attracted by investment in the real estate field of Turkey and in particular the real estate market in Istanbul

 Many investors are unaware of the traditions of buying real estate in Turkey, which makes them vulnerable to numerous rumors and concerns regarding exposure to fraud, fraud and loss of money due to the different laws in Turkey from their countries of origin and the lack of knowledge of legal systems in addition to the language problem that they may face as a barrier between them and choosing The best real estate in Turkey

In this article, we will look at the methods of real estate investment in Turkey and the reasons that drive you to come to Turkey and invest in it by buying apartments for sale in Istanbul or buying apartments for sale in Turkey in general.

The five most important advantages that push you towards real estate investment in Turkey

1- The Turkish economy

It is worth mentioning that the Turkish economy is an economy based in its concept and plan on institutional work, which makes it maintain its permanent growth and stability.

Turkey is set to join the world's 10 largest economies by 2030-2050, according to several studies, the head of the Turkish Strategy and Budget Directorate said on Wednesday.

"The potential of Turkey is greater than the potential for growth in other countries," Nagy Aghbal told a conference at Bayburt University in northeastern Turkey.

From 2001 to 2018, Turkey climbed the ladder from 23 to 17 in terms of GDP, and from 18 to 13 in purchasing power parity, he recalled.

He added that Turkey's exports also increased from $ 36 billion in 2002 to $ 168 billion in 2018.

He stressed that the geographical location of Turkey represents a great opportunity for the country because it is located close to Africa, the Gulf states, the Turkish Central Asian Republic, Russia and Europe.

"The global economic power is moving from west to east and from north to south," he said.

He added that the US share of the global economy will decline sharply by 2050-2100, while the Far East and Africa region will consume a larger share.

He stressed that "Africa, inhabited by a large number of young people, will become a productive continent and will attract more investment."

It is known that the Turkish economy in recent years was like the legendary phoenix as it continues to rise from its ashes whenever the surrounding fire continues.

We have all seen in the past two or three years the frequent movement between the rise and fall of the Turkish economy, but today it awaits further improvement in the main economic indicators during 2020, after overcoming the severe economic fluctuations.

 The economy of Turkey is strong and successful, and one of its most prominent characteristics is its permanent growth periodically, according to a plan carefully studied by the Turkish government. The Turkish economy has managed to achieve a high rate of growth among the members of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

2- Turkish investment climate

Turkey has provided an attractive market for investors for more than a decade. It witnessed strong economic growth against the backdrop of numerous positive economic and banking reforms that it implemented between 2002 and 2007. After the global economic crisis of 2008-2009, Turkey continued to attract significant investment as a relatively stable emerging market with a promising path of reforms and a strong banking system.

Despite this progress, over the past several years, economic and democratic reforms have stalled and in some cases reversed. As of 2011, Turkey experienced nine years of GDP growth. GDP growth reached 7.4 percent in 2017, mainly due to government stimulus programs, but it decreased to 2.6 percent in 2018 as the economy entered a recession in the second half of the year. While the government of Turkey expects GDP growth of 2.3% in 2019, many economists expect negative growth. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) expects GDP to contract by 2.5 percent in 2019. According to skeptics, the government's economic policy-making is still opaque, erratic and sometimes politicized. These factors contributed to the devaluation of the lira, in addition to inflation of more than 20% and unemployment rates of more than 13%. The state of emergency, in force since the coup attempt in July 2016, ended in July 2018.

 The Turkish investment climate has been classified as the second largest investment climate subject to reforms and development among the OECD countries. The Turkish government also provides great facilities for foreign investors, which provides an encouraging work environment for the start, promotion and success of investment.

The most positive aspects of the investment climate in Turkey are the favorable demographics and the main geographical location, providing access to multiple regional markets. Turkey is also an island of relative stability and growth potential in a troubled region, making it a desirable center for regional operations. Turkey has a relatively educated workforce, advanced infrastructure, and a flexible consumer-dependent economy.

3- Infrastructure in Turkey

Turkey's growing economy provides profitable investment opportunities in infrastructure across a wide range of sectors including transportation, healthcare and energy. According to the World Bank, Turkey ranks third globally in public-private partnerships (PPP) projects, with a total value of US $ 165 billion from 1990 to 2015. With a successful track record of more than 220 public-private partnership implementations across a diverse group of Asset infrastructure, Turkey has managed to achieve about 80 percent of those projects over the past decade.

4- Turkey's important geographical location 

Turkey is one of the most visited countries in the world. As we mentioned before, it is a natural bridge linking Asia and Europe. It has many trade routes throughout history. At present, Turkey still has a commercially sensitive strategic location for Asia, Europe and Africa. If you are doing or planning to do international work, Turkey's geographical location makes it special.

Turkey is a hub that connects the eastern, western, northern, and southern hubs. It is a gateway to multiple markets around the world and is a bridge and corridor for the transfer of energy to Europe.

5- A huge construction market in Turkey

The Turkish construction sector is one of the most active and powerful construction sectors around the world. Therefore, Turkey attracts investors who want to buy real estate in Istanbul and other Turkish cities on a large scale. Because the profitable return on real estate investment, whether the purchase is real estate under construction or ready real estate is a good return and provides annual profits at high rates.