Are all investments valid for obtaining Turkish citizenship

Are all investments valid for obtaining Turkish citizenship?

كيفية الحصول على الجنسية التركية من خلال تملك عقار في تركيا

The road is not hidden many times, but the way to reach it may seem difficult and complicated. Here, the biggest bet is possible. For example, I knew that investing in Turkey is my way, but I’ve got lost in the way to reach the most effective method that enables me to obtain Turkish citizenship by investment, if the chance didn’t lead me through Social networking sites to a consultant of Alhuda Real Estate company, which gave me a detailed explanation on how to obtain a Turkish passport through a safe and secure real estate investment.

Imran from Pakistan will tell you, in this article, his consulting experience on how to obtain Turkish citizenship through Alhuda Real Estate Investment and Development Company, which undertook all legal and administrative procedures for his application at the beginning of 2020.


How did Alhuda consultant accompany the Pakistani investor Imran?

After initial talks with Alhuda on the social media platform Facebook, Imran, 36, a Pakistani investor, decided to visit Turkey in late 2019, desiring to take a serious step to obtain Turkish citizenship by investment. The best and most efficient ways to obtain Turkish citizenship is by ensuring that the capital is doubled in one of the most economically built countries, and also in terms of infrastructure and social order, the latter which comes close to the Pakistani culture.

Once Imran reached the Turkish soil, the delegates of Alhuda Real Estate Investment and Development Company were waiting for him at the gate of the new largest international airport in Istanbul, where they welcomed him with a good reception, according to what he tells to Alhuda website in the following dialogue:

Alhuda website: Why did you choose Alhuda Company even though Turkey is filled with real estate companies?

Pakistani investor Imran: I would prefer to say that I thank God, I was fortunate to be one of the clients of Alhuda Real Estate company which has a good reputation among most of the Pakistani businessmen and investors who highly praise its distinguished services and reliable accompaniment to the Pakistani customer who finds himself conducting real estate transactions in Turkey as if he were in his country with the advantage of having a Pakistani crew inside the company, it facilitates the process, whether in terms of language or communication.

Alhuda: You wanted to obtain Turkish citizenship, but you were confused to know the best way, Alhuda helped you in the process, could you tell us the experience?

Pakistani investor Imran: With pleasure, I am pleased to narrate an experience that was one of the most memorable moments of my life.

After I arrived in Turkey and received a wonderful reception from the representatives of Alhuda, I visited the company’s office located in one of the most prestigious areas in Istanbul, and there the idea was clarified to me during a consultative session that I had with the President and General Manager of Alhuda and a few real estate experts and lawyers in it who explained to me in detail How to obtain Turkish citizenship by investment, which is what I would like to share with you.

Alhuda experts have detailed four types of investment that could enable me to obtain Turkish citizenship:

  • Turkish citizenship by bank deposit

The minimum deposit amount for a Turkish bank is estimated at $ 500,000 instead of $ 3 million, provided that the amount is not withdrawn for a period of three years.

  •  Turkish citizenship by buying government bonds

One of the available investment options is to obtain Turkish citizenship by purchasing government bonds of $ 500,000 or more, instead of $ 3 million.

  •  Turkish citizenship by employing Turkish citizens

Turkey issued a decision that enables it to obtain Turkish citizenship by opening an economic institution through which a foreigner employs 50 Turkeys, after the number previously estimated at 100 Turkish citizens.

  •  Turkish citizenship in exchange for buying a property in Turkey

The law allows a foreigner to obtain a Turkish passport in exchange for buying a property worth 250 thousand dollars, which is the best investment option that is suitable for foreigners, given that the procedures for obtaining Turkish citizenship do not exceed two months, and also because the real estate market in Turkey is the strongest and most demanded globally due to the continuous rise in prices of Turkey properties and the resilience of Turkish real estate in the face of all crises while ensuring high profitable returns in the event of renting or reselling the property without neglecting the issue of restoring the capital in the shortest possible time in the event that the property is used for rental.

  • The Pakistani investor Imran continues to say: I listened carefully to the explanations provided by the Alhuda team and to the advantages of each type of investment, but I was finally convinced that the investment in real estate is the best option because it enables me to own a property and obtain Turkish citizenship at the same time and in the shortest period, not to mention the possibility of using the property as an investment by renting it, and I already started the step that was easy thanks to the escort of Alhuda and the staff of its lawyer who provided me with the Turkish passport in less than 3 months.


Alhuda Website: We thank you, Mr. Imran, for all these valuable clarifications regarding how to obtain the Turkish citizenship by investment, and we hope that it will get the readers' admiration and make it easier for the important investors to state your experience.