Turkish Passport | Turkish Citizenship by Investment | Al Huda

Get the Turkish Passport in 12 Answers

Turkey Citizenship,Turkish Passport

Turkish citizenship by investment has become a dream that many people searching for better life conditions and citizenship entail with greater benefits, especially after the Turkish government opened its doors by approving a number of facilities for everyone who wants to carry a Turkish passport, including investing 250 thousand dollars in exchange for obtaining Turkish citizenship within a maximum of 3 months .

The 10 most important questions about Turkish citizenship and how to obtain a Turkish passport

Turkish passport

The following are the most common questions asked by clients interested in obtaining Turkish citizenship by investment in real estate, with answers answered by legal experts.

Question: What are the documents required to obtain Turkish citizenship by investment ?

Answer: The file must complete the following documents in full for married people, which is a document to prove the criminal status "husband and wife", marriage contract, birth certificate, family book, proof of residence and two personal photos for each member of the family. As for the person who is single, he must present the case law. A celibacy document, a family registration document from his country of origin, a document of residence from his home country, and two photographs.

Question: How long does it take to obtain Turkish citizenship?

Answer: The duration of obtaining Turkish citizenship is 90 days, at the latest.

Question: Are the children of a person married to two women entitled to obtain citizenship in exchange for their father's purchase of a property of $ 250,000?

Answer: All children who have not reached the age of 18 have the right to obtain Turkish citizenship even if they are not from the same mother, unlike wives who must buy the property to choose one between them only in order to grant her Turkish citizenship, but the second or third wife has the right to obtain a tourist residence With the ability to renew it.

Question: Can children over the age of 18 obtain residence permits?

Answer: Tourist residency is a pure Turkish feature that everyone can take advantage of. The father’s ownership of a property in Turkey and his carrying of the Turkish passport is an additional advantage while submitting the file of the tourist residency application.

Question: Is it required for applicants for Turkish passport to visit Turkey?

Answer: All procedures for purchasing a property in Turkey that matches Turkish citizenship requirements can be guaranteed by a trusted real estate company, but during the date of the interview, the foreigner wishing to carry the Turkish passport must be in person.

Question: As for the rest of the procedures, does he have to be in Turkey?

Answer: The applicant for Turkish citizenship can appoint any reliable real estate company to complete the remaining procedures until obtaining the Turkish passport.

Question: Is it possible to obtain Turkish citizenship during the period of paying the property amount by installments?

Answer: One of the conditions for obtaining Turkish citizenship in exchange for buying a property in Turkey is the payment of its full amount, that is, the buyer must wait for the completion of payment of all installments of the "amount of 250 thousand dollars" in full in order to submit a file to obtain the Turkish passport.

Question: Is the Turkish language required to obtain Turkish citizenship by investment?

Answer: The Turkish language is not required in order to obtain citizenship.

Question: Is it possible to grant Turkish citizenship in exchange for buying a property in partnership between more than one person?

Answer: Turkish citizenship is granted provided that the owner of the property worth $ 250,000 is one person.

Do you once get Turkish citizenship and lose my mother nationality?

Answer: The law in Turkey does not contradict other nationalities where the investor can retain the mother's nationality after acquiring Turkish citizenship.

Question: Does the person aged 18 years and above have to perform the national service in the event of obtaining citizenship in exchange for real estate?

Answer: Exemption from Turkish military service only affects people who are over the age of 22 while obtaining Turkish citizenship.

Question: Is it possible to invest in a property through which Turkish citizenship was obtained?

Answer: Of course, you are free to use the property as an investment, for example, on condition that it retains its ownership for a period of not less than 3 years, as you pledge in advance not to sell it during this time period.