Turkey 2023

Turkey 2023… the birthdate of a 100 years old country

تركيا 2023

Some dates turn into great memories as they pass by, but there are other dates that are great even before they came, just like the year 2023 for Turkey, the date for which the kit was prepared a hundred years before its coming.


After two years and a little from the date of writing this article, Turkey will be on a date with 2023, the centenary of the founding of the Turkish Republic on October 29, 1923, and the passage of a century of the Treaty of Lausanne, which had been restricting this country’s rise for decades.


Turkey did not wait for the date of 2023 doing nothing. Rather, it was prepared with its strong economy, huge investments, major installations, infrastructure, and large transportation networks, bringing about an uninterrupted revolution in urbanism, urban transformation, and economic openness to the world, which makes it occupy a prominent position among the world's strongest economies.


Turkey's preparations for the date of 2023 did not come arbitrarily, but rather were according to a deliberate scheme called by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan " 2023 Vision", which entered Turkey to the ranks of the first developed countries in the world by focusing on urban revolution in all levels.


The Turkish government elaborated its plan in major important axes from the political field to the economic and development side in order to achieve major goals, which we will detail in the paragraph below.

2023 Vision ... new Turkey with major goals


Turkey's 2023 vision, which was based on an in-depth study, is based on strategic objectives that the Turkish government will not welcome the year 2023 without achieving it, and in what follows we will elaborate on the most important points:


  • Through its vision of 2023, Turkey seeks to be among the top ten club, meaning to occupy its place in the list of the 10 most powerful economies in the world.
  • Turkey aims to raise its GDP to an average of 2 trillion US dollars annually.
  • Turkey is working hard in its economic vision to reach the income of the Turkish citizen to 25 thousand US dollars, a goal that attracted the attention of many who want to obtain Turkish citizenship and pushed them to choose to own a property in Turkey as the shortest way to achieve it.
  • Turkey depicted in Vision 2023 that its unemployment rate will not exceed 5%, which is a record decrease from the current rate.
  • Through the vision of 2023, which marks the centenary of the founding of the modern republic, Turkey continued to aim to stimulate foreign trade that seeks to reach one trillion dollars annually, on the basis that foreign trade exchanges are one of the most important financial resources of the country.
  • With 2023 Vision, Turkey plans to raise its exports by $ 500 billion annually.
  • Turkey is focusing heavily on converting the country towards wind energy as a new alternative, by producing 20 thousand megawatts by 2023.
  • Turkey seeks to raise its geothermal capacity to an average of 600 megawatts.
  • By 2023, Turkey also aims to reduce its energy consumption to 20% beyond the 2010 level stage by working to improve efficiency.
  • In 2023, according to the vision set, Turkey will be able to operate Turkish nuclear power plants.
  • Turkey will not reach its full vision in 2023 if it does not reach the occupation of the fifth largest tourist destination in the world and a destination for more than 60 million visitors annually with raising the sector's revenues to more than 50 billion US dollars.
  • 2023 Vision  places the development of the transportation sector and the transportation network as a top priority, especially since Turkey has made great strides in the field, and it is planning to build 11 thousand km of new railways, expand the network of high-speed trains and accomplish 15 thousand km of dual highways in addition to raising the classification of Turkish ports to reach the list of the largest 10 ports in the world, and to produce the largest possible number of modern local-made aircraft, especially drones, with a focus on advances in the field of satellites for a greater and stronger global competition.
  • Turkey became the first real estate capital  in the world, after being ranked on several occasions and according to many indicators as one of the best countries to live and invest, which raised the number of foreigners coming for real estate investment in Turkey during the last ten years and led to the growing demands for obtaining Turkish citizenship by buying property in Turkey remarkably.

Projects to be completed for the 2023 Vision of Turkey


Because the vision of 2023 is a path of years of planning and implementation, as soon as this date comes, Turkey will present to the world many major projects and facilities, we will list the most important in this paragraph:

  • Istanbul's third airport: 2023 Vision seeks to fully open all parts of the new airport, which is the largest airport in the world and will contribute to 4.9% of Turkey's total domestic income by 2025 with an additional profit of $ 80 billion.
  • Istanbul Water Canal: Or the largest project in the history of Turkey and the world where it connects the Black Sea with the Marmara Sea and with economic importance exceeding the Canals of Panama and Suez, where it will reach 45-50 km, which is equivalent to 28-31 miles and a depth of 25 meters i.e. in the range of 82 feet and regarding its width it is estimated with 150 meters or 490 feet on the surface and 120 meters at the bottom of the water canal, which corresponds to the dimensions of the largest ships and global submarines.
  • Akkuyu nuclear plant: Through its vision, Turkey aims to turn into one of the largest nuclear power producers in the world and works on the nuclear power plant have been completed by nearly 90%. It is expected that the peaceful nuclear power plant will reproduce 4800 megabytes located in the city of Mersin in the south of the country, to contribute to a significant reduction in Turkey's dependence on energy imports.
  • Handing over the three most important smart cities in Turkey: Turkey is works for 2023 Vision include both the smart city of Sakarya located in the Marmara region in northwestern Turkey, as well as the city of Kayseri in the heart of Anatolia and the city of Gaziantep in the southeast of the country.
  • Turkish Space Agency: It is the project that was approved by the Turkish government in late 2018 and is expected to be delivered before 2023, ensuring Turkey has yet another leap in the field of consolidating and developing the knowledge-based economy.

Turkey 2023 does not resemble Turkey before it, with this clear vision and major goals.

The descendants of the Ottomans go steadily towards the summit in a coherent and continuous rise that rejects the slopes and challenges all forms of retreat, the goal is large and deserves all these efforts and accomplishments. "


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